Episode 17: Simple food hacks for ADHDers

As ADHDers, we know how hard it can be to eat healthy meals. There’s so much conflicting info out there on which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. And then there’s all the cooking and prep time (SNORE!).

But what if you could just tweak a couple of things with your meals, to give you more energy and focus throughout the day?

I know we said a while back that we’re not going to offer advice… but we’re breaking all the rules now! Because there are some simple things that we do (and that Jules does with her naturopathic clients) that can be a real game changer. And we want you to know about it too.

Oh - and if you don’t feel hungry on stimulant meds - don’t worry - we’ve got you covered, so listen in for tips on that too ;)


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Episode 18: Exercise for ADHDers - How to avoid boredom and stay motivated


Episode 16: Narelle King - Professional organiser and AuDHDer